
Listing ID:#20179172

Building SF:6,320

Parcel Size:1.81 Acres


Building PSF:$365.00

Property Type:Retail

Date Available:Now

12+ Yrs Long Term Absolute NNN Lease

Absolute NNN lease features 12.6 years of primary term remaining with three, 5-year renewal options and a corporate guaranty from Bloomin' Brands. - Excellent Access & Visibility. - Affluent Demographics: HH Inc $103,234 within 3 miles - NOI $149,943 - Cap Rate: 6.5%

Financial Information

Net Op. Income:$149,943

Cap Rate:6.50%

Percent Leased:100%

Building Details

Building Type:Stand Alone

Building Status:Existing

Year Built:2000

Current Use:Restaurant

Outside Parking:Yes

Outside Parking per 1,000 sf:123

Other Information:NNN Lease

Contact Listing Agent

Brian Wolff


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