
Listing ID:#25974

Parcel Size:2.88 - 2.88 Acres

Total Price:$595,000

Price per SF:$4.75

Price per Acre:$206,597

Property Type:Land

Date Available:Now


2.875 acre lot for sale in Cottage Grove TIF District. Near Cottage Grove Road (7,700 AADT) connecting downtown Cottage Grove to the east side of Madison. Neighborhood Business (NB) Zoning for Office, Retail, or Housing. Population of more than 6,000 people and over $100,000 disposable income within a 1 mile radius. Adjacent to CVS Pharmacy, First Choice Dental Clinic, Glacial Drumlin School, and new residential development.

Property Details

Zoning:Neighborhood Business NB

Land Status:Improved


Hwy Exposure:Yes

Municipal Sewer:Yes

Municipal Water:Yes

Urban Svc. Area:Yes

Contact Listing Agent

Tom Phillips


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