
Listing ID:#20179264

Parcel Size:46 Acres

Total Price:$2,350,000

Price per SF:$1.17

Price per Acre:$51,087

Property Type:Land

Date Available:Now

46 Expansive Acres

The conceptual Development Plan for Prairie du Sac offers an excellent investment opportunity. This expansive forty-six-acre property, currently utilized as farmland, presents an exciting prospect for development. With its proximity to Sauk Prairie Airport, Sauk Prairie Health Care, and Culver Park, this land is strategically located for various potential uses. Additionally, its convenient accessibility to popular destinations such as Wisconsin Dells and Madison, WI makes it an attractive opportunity for development or investment.

Property Details


Potential Zoning:Res

Land Status:Raw


Other Information:Annexation and Zoning Changes would need to be approved.

Contact Listing Agent

Dan Heffron


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